This page lets you know about wider u3a events
and other opportunities that may interest you.
Summer Walks, led by Bob Gilbert: his June and July walks have now finished. He is not doing any in August. He may resume in September — at present we don't know.
- 13 September
- 20 September
- 27 September
- 4 October
The detailed subject programme isn’t available yet, but if you want to register your general interest please complete the form here: 24 Aug IT Programme Sign Up. Details will then be mailed to you once available.
Table Tennis Turnout: Following this popular event last year we are repeating it. This year it will be on 16 September, 10.30am to 12.30pm and again it will be held at Bounce, Old St. If you as an individual member or as a representative of your ‘team’ are interested please complete the following form here: TTT Sign Up.
London Region of u3a's Monthly Online Talks programme: this commences for another season and as usual, the talks will be delivered via Zoom on the first Monday of each month 5.30pm-6.30pm.
- Monday 7th October: The New Scramble for Africa
- Monday 4th November: Secrets of the Human Brain
- Monday 2nd December: Women Traveling Alone
Click here to access the Events page of our website for the Autumn Programme with further details and links to booking forms. Please register early as bookings will close 48 hour prior to each talk. For assistance please email
u3a National Discount Scheme: there is now a discount scheme available for all members called 'u3a Friends Extra'. This offers an extensive range of discount schemes. For a video with more information click here: How to Use Friends Extra or to sign up via Friends see here: Join Friends
u3a National Online Learning Programme: see details of their current talks here. You can always find out more information on their programme here.
u3a Workshops Programme for 2024: see the update Quarter 1 programme for national support workshops on the national website here: Workshop Programme
LRU3A Autumn Events: the London Region Events Team are offering an exciting programme of guided walks and events. Full details of the programme and how to book are yet to be published but you can see the outline and dates on LRU3A Events page.
Firstly they are hosting an VIRTUAL/ONLINE Death Café on Saturday 7 September 10:30 – midday.
To book click here to register: Once you are registered the Zoom link will be sent to you two days prior to the event.
In October there will be presentations again at Islington North Library Manor Gardens:
1. Advance Care Planning and Lasting Powers of Attorney
2. Wills and Funeral Planning
Further details will be sent when the dates have been set up and finalised.
If you have any queries regarding their Future Matters Service, drop them a a note: get in touch.
Bereavement Support: if you have recently suffered a bereavement you may wish to considering using the Islington Bereavement Community service. You can see some information about the service here or through their website: St. Joseph's Hospice ( Or, if you want to help them and consider volunteering for them, find their contact details in the linked document above.
London Age-Friendly Forum (LAFF): The latest report on this London Mayor initiative here.
Fit for the Future: many volunteers have been working on an initiative to shape the future for the u3a Movement. This has looked at the national governance structure and the communication channels between local u3as, their regional networks and the national Board. A new 'Council' is being proposed with representation from all regions. If you are interested you can see further information on the national website or here: FFTF Roll Out.
Communications: Third Age Trust are moving towards more electronic communication. There is now a free 'Friends' e-newsletter and any member can register for this here. As requested by u3as, the Trust is trying to raise the profile of the u3a Movement and to publicise the benefits of u3as to raise the membership to 500,000 by the end of 2028. Information on this and much more will be published in the Friends Newsletter.
u3a Matters: Have you considered taking the national magazine, 'Third Age Matters'? It's very good value at just £3.80 for five issues per year. You can select the membership class which includes provision of the magazine when you renew your membership. Or if you missed that option but want to add it now, please contact Joy at There is also an abbreviated digital version available through the national website:
Interest Groups Online: There is a wide range of online interest groups (nearly 80 currently) with more than 5700 members from all over the UK. Annual membership is just £12.00. You can find out more information and join through this link: Interest Groups Online.
National Benefits: iU3A pays £4.00 to the national organisation per member. If you ever wonder what benefits we, and you, gain from being part of this (the 17th largest national organisation in the UK) then this might explain it: Where Does My £4 go?
Region of U3As (LRU3A)
LRU3A is a forum or network
that organises study days and other events for all of the
London independent u3as. To find out what’s on see below or
have a look here.
Your iU3A representatives on the London
Region of U3As are currently:
- Chris Bulford (
- Sally Fox (
If you have any queries or ideas regarding
London Region of U3As use the email links above.
If you want to read more about networks with U3A generally
then look here.
Researchers reading this and wishing to submit any requests for support should be aware of the u3a's guidelines on this topic. These can be read here: Research Application Guidelines.
From U3A National Office: We are often asked
to publicise research studies and trials to our
members. Where we do so it is because we believe it
may be of interest to you and we are not endorsing or
promoting the research study in any way. U3A has not
undertaken any checks or due diligence on the relevant
department or the study and accepts no liability whatsoever
if you decide to agree to participate. If you choose to take
part in any study you do so at your own risk and in your own
capacity (and not as a member of U3A). You should make sure
that you understand all the risks associated with any study
before you sign up and ensure that you understand the time
commitment, any restrictions and possible side effects. You
should also ensure that you will be insured as part of the
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