"If you have time, we have time for you"
Islington U3A is part of the world-wide u3a Movement, open to all not in full-time employment.
Membership of iU3A is open to people who want
to keep their minds sharp, get out and about and learn new
things, sparking new interests, meeting new people and
keeping physically active.

Islington U3A now has over 750 members with the number still rising. Come and Join Us.
If you want to ask us something see our
details here: Contacts
(email & phone number)
What We Do
Our main core activities are:
Monthly Meetings — these generally include a high-profile, interesting and entertaining speaker (the Monthly Talk) and always with plenty of time to meet and chat to other iU3A members. See the list of our next speakers here.
Interest Groups — there are over 50 groups to join, some small, some large, and covering a range of interests. Click on the the link here for more information Groups List
Special Events — these include one-off events, coffee mornings and pub lunches. See the What's On page for further information.
Outings — these will be visits to places, often outside London, and open to all the iU3A membership. See the What's On page for further information.
See our News page for things we've been getting up to recently and have a look at our What's On page for what's coming up in the short term. We also let members know what's happening on a regular basis with our regular communications — our fortnightly Bulletins and seasonal Newsletters.
Members of iU3A can also attend events organised by u3a Nationally (see their website here or a short video here: National Video) and by London Region (see their website here). Or get involved in Shared Learning or Research projects — see the Other Opportunities page for further information.
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Please note: our communications are largely 'digital (by the website, or email) but we will endeavour to offer assistance to those for example, that have no email account.
We have a Facebook account. There are regular posts about Islington u3a events and groups, what’s going on past and present, what’s on offer from the National u3a and occasionally a post of interest outside of u3a, but relevant to our followers. Be part of the Islington u3a Facebook community. If you are a Facebook user you can follow our page at https://www.facebook.com/IslingtonU3A/, search for “Islington U3A” or click the “Facebook icon” below.
site designed by Gill Hopkins
logo designed Tattersal
Hammarling & Silk
registered charity number 1157067